Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Fayre, 16th December

Almost 90 players played on the Carthagena course. Although the early starters were faced with frosty conditions particularly on the greens, the sun eventually broke through to provide a pleasant but chilly day leading to good playing conditions for the later starters, which was reflected in their scores.

In first place with an incredible score of 43 points was Paul Marshall playing off 20 (but not for much longer !). In second place was the ever reliable 'steady Eddie' Peter Lowe (h/cap 12) on countback with 37 points from Gordon Goodchild (h/cap 23). Peter was one of the last players back, disappointing the six players who were on 36 points – never mind better luck next year !

A magnificent prize table organised by the new Seniors Captain, Richard Coventry, with a superb selection of meat, spirits and wine etc., provided the backdrop for the presentation of prizes to all competitors, leaving the flustered organiser to collect a box of Jaffa cakes !!

Graham McKay (Organiser)

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